Get Involved

We are a global, action-driven network of Rotarians dedicated to freedom fighting, justice seeking, problem solving and advocating for basic human rights working together to abolish modern slavery.

Become an Ambassador

There are over 40 million enslaved people, according to Walk Free’s Global Slavery Index. That’s four times more than those taken out of Africa during the 400 years of the Atlantic Slave Trade. Modern slaves, however, are disposable, cheap, hidden from plain sight, and devoid of human rights. Very young children are now in greater danger than ever before as sex traffickers exploit opportunities arising from natural disasters, deprivation, civil conflict, and mass migration.

The RAGAS Ambassadors are knowledgeable advocates for RAGAS who provide support and promotion of the RAGAS goals.: Ambassadors can be Rotarian’s or non- Rotarians they are not required to pay membership dues to RAGAS. They are experts in the field of modern-day Slavery, they can be PDG, Government Leaders, Celebrities, Humanitarian leaders, they can be Rotary peace fellows, Retractors, other NGO leaders, experts in their field.

    1. Provide speakers for club meetings and other events, Clubs, Districts, Zones, International Conferences, and so forth
    2. Share information/Knowledge on the issue of modern-day slavery with others to enhance their ability to engage in the issue.
    3. Promote RAGAS and encourage membership to RAGAS
    4. Liaise between the RAGAS Coordinators and Co-Coordinators

Rotary Youth Human Trafficking Awareness Program

The Rotary Youth Human Trafficking Awareness Program is a comprehensive awareness program designed to teach youth about exploitation and human trafficking and how to take action against it.

Rotary Youth Human Trafficking Awareness Program


Freedom is a basic human right. Without freedom, individuals and communities cannot achieve things like basic education, economic development or peace. Through awareness and prevention education, RAGAS Global network serves these individuals and communities to help lessen their vulnerability to human trafficking and modern slavery.

Other Ways To Get Involved

Become a Member

RAGAS welcomes all new members to come to join our cause and make a difference in the fight against modern slavery. You will play a role in shaping our collective impact. Your Membership subscription helps fund promotions, initiatives, and resource materials, provides access to project management and support across the globe, gives you access to our confidential (Members Only) network, and entitles you to stand for election to the RAGAS Board … and of course funds our minimal expenses.

Follow Us

Follow us at RAGAS to stay updated with our initiatives, news, and latest success stories. You can also learn more about how the RAGAS champions are helping our cause in stemming the tide against modern slavery while helping people and communities heal and become part of our winning movement.

Slavery Month

January is National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month. Every year since 2010, the month of January has been dedicated to raising awareness about the different forms of human trafficking, also known as modern slavery, and educating people about this crime and how to spot it. Annually, various organizations celebrate the efforts of anti-trafficking organizations, communities of faith, state and local law enforcement, survivor advocates, businesses, and private citizens all around the world to promote this important cause with the help and dedication of the U.S. Department of State, which raises awareness on human trafficking domestically and abroad through their U.S. embassies and consulates. The National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month, culminates in the annual observation of National Freedom Day, for more info about National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month, click the button below.

ROTARY International Convention

Starting in 1910 the Rotary convention has combined fellowship with Rotary business and inspired attendees with notable guest speakers and entertainers, workshops, and messages on various critical Global issues from Rotary leaders. Since then the Rotary International continues organizing “Rotary International Conventions” each hosted in a different country, every year. The goal of these conferences is to bring together members of the Rotary International family from around the world and give them a platform to exchange ideas and come together in friendship while trying to choose the most important initiatives to work on together in a year(s) to come.